Tat That!

Inspired:- By God’s Word of Righteousness!

Original Writer/Author:- Christ Jesus.

© 2019/2020.


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Twenty unread messages stuffed the inbox of Shelly’s DMs via Instagram as she rolled onto her belly; opening up the chat where each message was sent from…Leslie. The popular teenager of them all that received all the earthly pleasures she desired from her parents that didn’t care less about their daughter’s future that laid in the hands of the devil. They were all blinded by the god of this world. They were his servers without even knowing that they were serving at his table of death and hell. Shelly was on the right path. Narrow and straight that led to righteousness, peace & life everlasting in Jesus Christ…but the striker strikes at her with Leslie. After months of constant warnings and righteous rebuking from her parents concerning the unequally yoked friendship, she hearkens not unto the voice of Him through them. She began to stray. It was time for her to come back on the righteous road but a lesson must be learned …first.

Her eyes lit brightly after reading all twenty messages and replying to each one of them immediately within one minute or less.

Leslie: Greatness! We’re so on for tomorrow! Your parents won’t even miss you from the house ha! 😉

Shelly: Who said they won’t? :/ they are like bodyguards all over this house you know! Its annoying. I wish I had your parents instead. ☹

Leslie: Ohhh poor baby girl! I’m so happy I don’t have mean parents like that! I’m my own boss. I run things in my house. Ain’t nobody around to guard or keep me inspected! J I love it that way! I’m free baby!

Shelly: Lucky you! I’m so happy to have you as my bestie! I get to be my own boss when I’m with you. I like that! Woohooo! 🙂

Leslie: Yaya! This the life girl! We leave after school okay. I made the appointment already for us! I’m excited! 😛

Shelly: Okay! Greatness! Appointment for what though? If you don’t mind me asking?

Leslie: :/..!!

Shelly: Not willing to share? That’s okay. I’ll see tomorrow myself! Sorry.

Leslie: Good girl Shelly Welly! See ya! Muah, muah ciao!  

Shelly: Muah, muah ciao! Byes. 🙂 

Leslie active 1min ago.


The day for Shelly’s lesson and turn around was here. Nervously racing out the back gate of the house, her father’s vehicle met up with her at the side pavement; her mother stepped out from the front as a disappointed expression covered her face, noticing the unacceptable attire that their wages never bought. “Where do you think you’re going looking like that?”


“To school, mama.”

“Mama? Have you lost your mind little girl?”

“Have you?” answering without care.

“How dare you speak to your mother that way? Get in this car right now young lady.”

“I’m not going nowhere with y’all this morning. Leslie is coming to pick me up in a few.”

“What?” her mother said in disbelief.

“How many times would you disobey the commands of your Father? Do you love him Shelly?” responded her father.

Her tongue became like a stone-built wall in her mouth as the convictions of the truth lashed against her heart leaving her speechless as a pink Benz 2020 Edition pulled up in front of the white wagon blasting Hip Hop music. The enemy had arrived.

“YOOOO! Shelly you ready to roll low?” screamed the teen from the driver’s seat; as the window automatically wined down halfway.

“Yaya! Let’s roll low!” ignoring the cries of her parents yet once again entering into the car of damnation as it sped off down the street. Mrs. Johnson dropped to the ground weeping countlessly as her spouse now out of the vehicle comforted her. “She’ll come back to the Lord. Let His will be done.” He ended calmly.

The Benz now approaching the school entrance speed pass it furiously heading down the highway intersection. Shelly quickly noticed and questioned, “Um… aren’t we having school today or sum?”

“Ya…but who cares! I’m rich! Blah! Blah! Blue! We’re going somewhere that’s wayyy more cool than school!” bursting the bubblegum with a false index nail.

“Where’s that?”

“Oh. Come. On!”

“What yo?”

“Make a guess, Sea Shell…”

“The beach? You gave the answer away in my name! Haha!”

“Yaya! Good girl! We gon have a rel good time!”

“Woohooo!” both chimed in unison.

Spending the entire school hours at the Le Fleurs Beach and Hotel Resort that was owned by Leslie’s parents eating, drinking, dancing and swimming in the rooftop pool it was on the other venue where lied the lesson.

The bell chimed as a tall, cappuccino skinned male with one side of his countenance buried in piercings opened the door.

“Take one step closer, girlfriend.” Pushing her into the entrance, removing the blindfold she screamed, “SURPRISE SHELLLL!” as brown orbs struggled to open from the long period of time they were shut under the covering. Now widely awaken, she glared at the dark inscriptions on the walls that were not at all lovely.

“What’s office-like about this place?” she said watching at the earring faced man who didn’t like smiling.

“Shell. What office you gon get at a tat shop? Gurlll this is where the appointment is at! You got so much to learn about this good life girl.”

“We’re gonna get actual body markings?”

“Yaya! Ain’t nun wrong with that right, Rebel?” high fiving the tall male who owned the business of darkness.

“At such a…a tender age?”

“What’s so tender about fifteen years huh? Its time you grow up and smell the richness.”


“Not another word now, darling! Chillax. Ah got you covered! Rebel is an expert. No need to fear!” grabbing her hand as both moved towards the wall that portrayed numerous images of body art to choose from. Shelly’s eyes to the doorways of her soul have never felt so doomed as she gazed at each tattoo marking. This was it. She was totally off to gates of hell now. But Mercy still waits for her hand. “Which one you gon get, Sea Shell?”

“Umm…Well…” as eyes paced side to side in delusion.

“TAT THAT!” said Leslie pointing down at a dying white rose. She smiled. “That’s nice. I’ll tat it! Haha!” high fiving Rebel as all three moved into the back room where the applying of them took place. Lying down with eyes closed a sorrowful feeling took hold of her heart. It was very deep and painful. As the needle went down into her flesh she heard a mighty voice said, “Why are you hurting me? Shelly, why are you hurting me?”

Feeling broken, worthless and lowly as tears danced down her left eye the teen responded, “Jesus? I-Is that you?”

“Yes. It is me that you are hurting. Remember My Father’s word. Your body is my temple. You are defiling it with the markings of Satan. Come out of this place and return to me. I love you. Shelly come out of her.”

Raising up she shouted, “STOP! I don’t want it again! I’m going home!” 

“Girl, its time you grow up! Stop being a cry baby and enjoy the pain, it ain’t that bad.” Scolded Leslie from the other end.

“Rebel! STOP RIGHT NOW IN JESUS’ NAME!” as the plug sparked shutting down the needle. “What. In. The. World…” the young woman gazed frantically at her. “I’m going home! This is not me. This is not who I am.”

“Oh, Sea Shell you losing it! Then who you are then if not Shelly Johnson?”

“I am a child of GOD! That’s who I am. Not who you say I am! I’m a royal princess! Not a Babylonian seed of darkness! Nuh uh! No more under your rulership of lies, deception, and falsehood! I shall hurt my Father no more! Goodbye sin! For good!” running out of the shop never returning again.

It was a long journey back home for Shelly as she prayed endlessly to God during the entire ride. She repented and mentioned her parents also. It was time for their relationship to be restored as a family again. Standing at the closed front door staring at her reflection disgracefully, she told herself, “I don’t think I can do this. I’ll spend the night by Auntie Zelma.” “Of course you can. You’re not alone. I’m here with you.” He replied.

“I’m so happy to hear your voice again, Daddy God. I missed it a lot when I wasn’t near you.” As her fingers moved towards the doorknob; it turned out as her mother stood glaring into the face of her lost daughter that was found. “Mom…I’m so sorry! I was a blinded fool. Leslie loves the way that leads to destruction. Please forgive me!” as both hugged each other tightly. Coming to the door was Mr. Johnson with a smile on his face. “So you learned your lesson child?”

“Ah sure did. Jesus visited me. The right way is the best way, Papa!”

“Glad to have you back home my child. Glad to have you back. We love you.”  



 Hi all! Tammy here. God inspired this piece through His Word while studying the Book of Leviticus chapter 19 concerning the laws He had given unto the children of Israel to keep. God is holy and He wants us to be holy as He is. Anything that we do sinfully against ourselves or to each other we are doing it against God. Because we all belong to Him. He is the Creator of us all. The verse from the chapter He had me focused on deeply was verse 28 where He commanded them not to cut themselves and not to mark themselves. The first thing that came to my mind was preferably tribal markings and piercings. I pondered on the scripture for a while. I always wanted to find out more about what does His Word says about taking tattoos or body piercings. Is it okay to do so or not?

Then the Holy Spirit taught me what this really meant that led me to write the story.

Our bodies are God’s temple. When we cut, pierce and mark any part of His temple (the body) we are doing that to Him for He dwells in us. It also links to paganism practices that they did back then by marking or cutting themselves to perform rituals unto their gods/idols. He lives in us and it is defiling Him. In God there is NO darkness at all {1 John 1:5} He’s the God of holiness and light. He loves righteousness and justice and wants us as His children to live righteous and holy lives before Him. He hates sin.

Backsliding/straying away from God’s side doesn’t do us any good. We need Him forever. He loves us so much. Let’s love Him back by doing and living by what is right. Let’s stop hurting our Father. So, next time when you’re thinking of getting that tattoo (s) ask yourself… Do I really love Jesus? {John 14:15}

Here’s a screenshot of the deeper study of this scripture from via *blueletterbible.com* I highly recommend this site for studying the Lord’s Word profoundly. 😃 Blessings & grace.


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¶ GIFS via Google search/photo of animated cartoon girl via Pinterest board search.

¶ Bible Study note via enduringword.com/Book of Leviticus commentary.  

10 thoughts on “Tat That!

  1. Reading this story again for the second time, and it resonates with me just like the first time around. That’s why I love the phrase “Think before you ink” for sometimes we just want to be inked for it’s cool or trendy. Writing-wise, it’s amazing to see the transformation of your stories. Once we’re doing it for Christ, that light always shines through whatever our hands touch.

    May God continue to bless and use you for His glory!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Same. I recall admiring them and I thought that it’ll be cool to have one… until I read Leviticus. All of this was before I was baptized. You’re utmost welcome.

        Yes! You’re welcome, thank you, and I pray that this story is a blessing for those who read it.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I confess. I have them. And I also got them after knowing the Lord. I’m not saying I’m right doing it. But what I got means something to me and I don’t want to look mean or rebellious.

    However, I’ve felt some conviction and I won’t get anymore. If I have sinned I hope He won’t hold it against me.

    Liked by 1 person

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