The Weeping Tree Poem


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The Weeping Tree



She mourns over her waters that has been defiled by man’s idols,

She mourns over her mountains where man lighted their fires,

She mourns over her streets, where the blood of man streams like moving waters

She mourns at the skies that is plastered by man’s pollution,

She mourns at her inhabitants that grow weak from starvation from man made construction.

She’s broken and deserted as she weeps on the mountain top,

Desiring to be one with her inhabitants again.

Through her non stop tears, “Will this ever end?”

It will end with an end to the new beginning.

Of eternal life restored forever with our Creator!

He shall wipe away your tears and remove all your sorrows,

There’d be NO MORE curse! Look up for your redemption draw nigh!

Look up! Here comes Joy as every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD forevermore!


Written by,

Tameika George.  

Bonus Piece: 

I see nature crying on behalf of mankind’s sins that has stricken her weak and turned her likeness from sun to night. She’s dark all around and continues to mourn in silence sometimes. She’s angry as her fist crashes against the mountains and her ice melt like wax in a fire furnace. The birth of new life emerges from the inside and soon will spring out like a river. It will run down over the hills and valleys and overflow upon the mountains. It will run down throughout the cities, villages, the islands and to every seen and unseen thing above and between. See, He is doing a new thing! Yes! I’m so excited for it’s offspring! Rejoice evermore and give thanks in advance! Your Father knows what He is doing so hang unto His everlasting promises.


God Given

Written by,

Tameika George.


One day while looking out the window at my Father’s creations whilst I held a conversation with Him in my mind about them through His Word, He made me stopped and looked at a tree on top of the mountain. The thing I always saw that tree and you know just say it as the tree on top the mountain but that day He really wanted me to see surpass that. Through the eyes of the Spirit He showed me the face of a weeping woman formed out in the tree. I saw her facial structure, her nose, her eyes and her lips are slightly opened as a space between the branches formed the tear running down her face. I was like, “Wow, I’ve never seen that before! I’ve been watching at that sane tree for years and never saw that weeping face!” He revealed to me that the nation is mourning because of the sin in the land. Not only for the island but for the entire earth itself. The earth mourns. It’s alive and has feelings like we do. The earth also sings and rejoices in the presence of God. This is mentioned in several chapters of Isaiah, Psalms and throughout the book of the other prophets. When He showed and reminded me of this I was inspired immediately and that’s how the title was birthed, “The Weeping Tree.” The words of the God given piece didn’t came right away until a few weeks after. J  The part two of this which is categorized as “Mirco Poetry” came instantaneously after when I had concluded “The Weeping Tree” poem. All honor and glory to God forever! Thank you Jesus! 💛


Dry tree Animated Gifs


*GIF found via google search. 


Royal Homes Poem

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Royal Homes.

©God Inspired Poems 2019-2020.

Original Author:- Jesus Christ.

Under Writer:- Tameika George.


John 14:1-3 :- Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe in me also. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were no so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. AMEN! ✨

There is a Royal Home,

For you and for me,

There is a Royal Home,

For us in eternity.

Hear and believe what the Father says through His Son,

Where He is we will be there with Him also,

What a lovely truth to behold!

There we will receive our holy crowns,

We’ll join the angels in praises as we bow down before the Son!

Clothed in His righteousness as His glory shuns all around!

Let not your heart be troubled, for He is coming to take us home!

This promise must all saints continue to hold.

The End! 💎

Written By,

Tameika George.

Home Sweet Home Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHY

*GIF found via google search. 

The Birds Will Always Sing a Song!

God Inspired Poetry

She sings in the summer!
She sings in the winter!
She sings in the autumn!
She sings in solemn!
She sings when the sun comes up and when it goes
She sings when her babies fall!

She sings when she doesn’t hear them call!
She sings in the air!
She sings when food is rare!
She sings when she is alone!
She sings when she can’t find a home!
She sings when he’s gone!

She sings all the day long! She sings when I can’t sing a song,  

She sings and that inspires me to go on! 

And teaches me to always sing a song when this race gets tough and I can’t move along. 😦 

To the ONE whom all praise is due, He taught me a lesson through her and said, “You must always sing too! No matter the season of your storm, for the birds I created will always sing a song.” 😀 

Inspired by :- My Father’s Creation ( A green bird I was admiring one night during devotions that lives in the ceiling of our house, as she flied to and fro collecting food for her young one’s!)

Written by :- Tameika George.

© GodInspiredPoems 2019/2020. 


Nature Praises the King!

God Inspired Poetry

In slow motion brown fragile hands sway from side to side, As the glory of the Son of righteousness surrounds. Their green fingers clapped in time, as the hosts of heaven sound. Glory to the King! Who made everything that is above and in the earth! I heard them sing. He who walks upon the wings of the wind and we go where His Spirit blows! The hills shook as the fig tree waved and wild flowers bowed. Eyes beheld what man couldn’t tell of Wisdom’s works atoned. 

Inspired by:- GOD.

© GodInspiredPoems 2019.

Dancing in the stars!

dancing in the stars

Dancing in the stars


I feel like dancing,

Dancing in the stars

Meet my partners,

Venus, Saturn and Mars

Tonight we unit side by side,

Dancing for the judges

Here they are,

The moon

The sun,

And lastly Mother nature

It’s time to choose our dance,

Salsa, cha-cha-cha and maybe


The lights are on,

It’s officially time to perform

I throw my hands in the air,

And tilted unequally balanced unto my feet

And I spin like I never spin before,

Until Venus rather shy looked already sore

As I dance carelessly upon the moor,



Just dance

In the mid hours of four,

I danced

I pranced,

My feet beating upon the sandy shore

We want more!!

We want more!!

The judges succumbed,

The audience of stars whistled and cheered from above

I sway to the left,

And then to the right

Removing my dancing partner out of sight,

He couldn’t keep up any longer

The moon smiled more bright,

As I ended my dance in a posing strike

I ended my night,

Scoring 100 points

Dazzling through nature’s skies,

Take a bow




Written by,
Tameika George.

Author’s Note:- You all should know by now I’m a nature lover and my imagination is pretty out of this world! 😀 I love having fun while writing most of my poems. It depends on the conception of it of course. This one was inspired by stars/space of course and yes….(I wrote of course 2x well this makes it 3x now) and yup, I was the one dancing haha! Hmm…guess I should of signed up for Dancing with the “stars” after all :/ LOLOL! 

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WHATTTT? Lolol!!! 


Poetic facts!
^All covers for my poems are done by me 🙂 
^Most of my poems are between the ages of 2-3 years old haha! 😉 

Blessings and Bonne nuit! ❤ 

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black-and-white, cemetery, Christ

Where are you?
What are you doing?
Can’t you see there are sons and daughters before you crying,
Continuing to hold Satan’s hand by his role of misleading,
brainwashing and mind controlling?

While you sit among yourselves gossiping about them instead of praying,
without ceasing
Where is your light really shining?
Unto the lost or just below a bushel?

Why are you involved in partying,
late night texting,
Instagram lazing,
Twitter tweeting
Pinterest pinning,
more than soul winning?

Have you forgotten your mission?
Have you gone back to that place I took you out from?
Have you fallen for the lies from the serpent of deception, lust and temptation?
Are you doubting me?
Are you reading my word daily so that you can hear from me?
Do you know my voice?
Do you truly have me at the center of it all or continue to blame me for the cause of it all?
Don’t you know who I AM?

The nations that forget me will be turn into HELL!
Don’t you know I have the power to cast down and build back up?
I founded the earth upon the seas.
Don’t you know my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts?

I’m going to move among you,
I’m going to bring you back to me
Your Heavenly Father,
Your Healer
Your Provider,
Your Comforter,
Your Maker
Your Anchor,
Your Counselor
Your Guide,
Your Director
Your Protector,
Your Helper
Your Eternal Love.

I’m coming…
Are you ready?
I am ready.
Come back to me…


Written by,
Tameika George.

Author’s thoughts: – It was the Holy Ghost! All credit goes to him! God is speaking to his church. Listen. God bless and much love! ❤ 

Man Kneeling in Front of Cross

👦👧Little Children Pray!🙏

feed your spirit   

 It’s ok,
Don’t delay
Fold your hands this way,
The Lord is awaiting patiently
To hear what you have to say,
Come on now don’t be shy
It’s ok if you don’t have much to say,
He understands
But it’s important that you pray,
Now bow your head
And slowly close your eyes,
You can start with any line
Go ahead now,
Take your time
“D-d- dear God I thank you for Mommy,
she usually tells me about you daily
I think she loves you more than Daddy,
but then she tells me
Always put you first because without you she would have never met Daddy,
And marry
I don’t know  who I’m talking to,
but I know that you are real
Just like my Mommy,
I love reading the Bible although I don’t really
know what’s going on  so well,
But I know it has something to do with preaching
The Gospel,
Don’t worry you will help me get there
Very soon,
When I’m older and wiser
I thank you for listening to my not so put together
I thank you for blessing my Mommy for teaching me
To say this prayer I share
I love you Jesus,
Amen and Amen. 


Written by,
Tameika George. 
© 2018 (Actually written since 2016 😀 ) 

Hi peeps! Just a little note from the writer herself about the poem above! OK, so basically we all know the importance of prayer right. My mother always told me that PRAYER is a powerful thing and that you must always pray. It’s like a daily Vitamin that each and every one of us must intake. Now children nowadays doesn’t know anything much about praying or applying it to their life’s on a daily, seeing that most of their time, energy and brain is consumed by modern technologies. Now don’t  give me wrong on this one but not all children are like that. There are several homes and parents that are strictly instilled with the principles of the Bible and they make sure that their kids are following that Christ-like path as well, while others out there are struggling to co-operate within that boundary of praying. Parents it’s very, very, very essential that you teach your kids to pray in these end closing days. The devil is real. And he is after your kids very persistently. Please! Teach them how to pray and get them anointed under the blood of Jesus Christ. So basically that’s where I capture my spiritual source of inspiration from. The lack of prayer within homes and among children is very prevalent. We need to get serious people. COME TO JESUS! Stay sweet and continue to love God. Much love from Tammy xoxo! God bless ❤        



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Tis Christmas without you…

tis christmas


Lost in the snow,

In the thick covered streets a lonely soul roams



Terribly shaken,

My heart completely broken

Lost to a woman,

Replacement receipt already token

By the new hands of her new spouse,

Moreover I see it as stolen


No more kisses under the mistletoe,

No more making creative snow angels

In the cold white snow,

No more hugs nor cuddles in the night

No more I love yous and goodbyes,

No more “Everything is going to be alright” with those vibrant smiles

Here I walk home

All alone,

On Christmas day

I wish I could turn back around the hands of time,


To apologize for the times I made you cried

Didn’t know you felt so lost inside,

Oh how I tried and I tried

To renew that moment when we danced down the aisle,

Rings tied

It only brings more death to both my heart and memory,



Slowly I’m dying without you

This couldn’t be a better gift to be surprised with,

More snow


I drift and drift,

These wounds cuts my heart

Very, very swift,

The image of your green eyes

I dearly miss,

Disappeared in a thick cloud of mist

I continued to drift,

No more happiness

It’s time to dismiss,

This is too much to bear

Oh how much I wish u were here,


I sing to u a Merry Christmas

And cheers to me trying to make it into another year,

Without you

Forever in despair!! 



Written by,
Tameika George.




Violin, Oh Violin

violin 2



Violin Oh Violin {The instrument of passion}


Violin oh violin,

Where do I begin?

U enthrall me,

U ignite me

You’re so ancient, but yet magnificent,


Violin oh violin,

Sometimes sad

Sometimes sweet,

You turn all my sorrows into joy,

Oh, when can we meet?


Violin oh violin,

Your strings

Your structure,

Your interior is so unfamiliar,

Your designs are displayed by a grotesque fabricator


Oh violin, all violins,

Am in love

Am amused,

When you step into an orchestra

U look more famous than Dolce y Gabbana,


Violins all violins,

So holy

So pure,

When you all make that combination of splendorous music,

You inspire people around the world to just admire and adore.




                                                                          Written by,

                                                                          Tameika George.


Author’s Note:- The “y” between Dolce and Gabbana means and in Spanish and its pronounced as “ee” 🙂 …Oh and by the way, I really love violins! ❤ 

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My Miscellaneous World of Poems…

Is finally here! 


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Yeah, I know, I know! 😀 my bestie really advised me to upload my poems here! But I was like, nahhhhh I only post Art and Quotes and so on, so forth. But then I was like what if people wanted to see/read more than Art or Quotes? So…there you have it!



Enjoy Poem One! God bless! ❤




My identity is formatted by yours,
pale tiny fingers held firmly like a cub claws

Our bond already formed,
true affection the endless norm

Hereby I stand as your protector,

Your teacher
Your leader
Your supplier
Your helper
Your director

Your best friend
Your role model
Your err…Father?
haha yes thanks for the reminder.
We are going to have tons of fun in one another’s company,
baseball games, sight-seeing, fishing, in between wrestling, food fights, rooftop star gazing, movie nights, football matches and car repairing.

But, there is also the downside of reality,
My son Joey.
Not every day is going to be fun,
and you can’t always have what you want.
You won’t remain a child forever,
you’ll grow old and weary one day just like your Father.
And be taken away from this earth like your Mother,
But not forever because you have another Father in heaven.
Your TRUE and REAL Father!

When it’s time for me to depart he will take care of you,

I was loaned to you temporally.
I know you don’t understand now but when you are older,
you’ll always remember.
This is a letter from me your earthly Father,
Son I love you.


Written by,
Tameika George.

Author’s Note: –
Much love to our Heavenly Father and earthly fathers he has loaned to us. God’s continual blessings in Jesus Name. Stay sweet and much love! Xoxo! 😇